服务条款 | Terms of Service
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1. 接受条款
1.1 本条款适用于CZL公司(“本公司”)提供的所有服务,包括但不限于软件、论坛、应用、系统、硬件设备、国际物流运输服务等。
1.2 使用本服务即表示您同意遵守本条款及相关政策和规则。
2. 重要条款
3. 使用权限
4. 使用条件
4.1 用户必须年满18岁方可使用本服务。如用户为未成年人,须在监护人同意并监督下使用。
4.2 如果本公司通知您终止使用权限,您将失去继续使用本服务的权利。
4.3 您需遵守所有适用法律法规及本公司的规则和政策。
5. 用户行为
5.1 您不得通过本服务发布、共享或传播非法、有害、威胁、辱骂、骚扰、诽谤、欺诈、淫秽或其他不当内容。
5.2 未经授权,不得将本服务用于商业目的。
5.3 您不得上传或发布侵犯第三方知识产权或其他合法权利的内容。
5.4 禁止使用自动化方式(如爬虫、机器人等)访问、监控或干扰本服务。
5.5 您不得冒充任何个人或机构,或以虚假方式暗示与本公司存在关联。
5.6 您不得规避、禁用或干扰本服务的安全功能或对服务设施造成过度负担。
6. 内容标准
6.1 您不得提交违反法律、侵权、冒犯性或有害的内容。
6.2 您不得提交含有恶意代码、病毒或其他恶意程序的内容。
6.3 不得未经授权披露他人机密信息或个人隐私。
6.4 您同意本公司拥有删除或更正违反内容标准内容的权利。
7. 执法
8. 用户账户
8.1 某些服务可能需要您创建账户方可使用。
8.2 您有责任维护账户的安全性和保密性。
8.3 您为通过账户进行的所有活动承担全部责任。
8.4 本公司有权在发现违规行为时限制、暂停或终止您的账户。
9. 知识产权与内容所有权
9.1 您保留对您通过本服务提交的内容的所有权。
9.2 您授予本公司全球范围内的非独占性许可,以使用、复制、分发、修改和展示您提交的内容以便提供本服务。
9.3 在您删除提交的内容后,许可将终止,但删除前因使用内容产生的结果将持续有效。
10. 用户责任
11. 免责声明
12. 责任限制
13. 服务终止
13.1 本公司或用户均可随时终止本条款。
13.2 终止后,您将失去对本服务的访问和使用权限。
13.3 某些条款在终止后仍继续适用。
14. 争议解决
14.1 任何争议应首先通过友好协商解决。
14.2 无法协商解决的争议将在本公司指定所在地通过具有约束力的仲裁进行解决。
14.3 您同意放弃参与集体诉讼或集体仲裁的权利。
15. 服务条款优先级
16. 一般条款
16.1 条款独立性:如本条款的某部分被认为无效或不可执行,其余部分仍然有效。
16.2 不可转让性:未经本公司书面许可,您不得转让本条款中的权利和义务。
16.3 完整协议:本条款构成您与本公司之间关于本服务的完整协议,取代任何先前的协定。
17. 联系方式
- 电子邮件:[email protected]
18. 变更
Welcome to CZL Company’s services (hereinafter referred to as “the Services”). By accessing or using the Services, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agree to be bound by these Terms of Service (“Terms”). If you do not agree to these Terms, please do not use the Services.
1. Acceptance of Terms
1.1 These Terms apply to all services provided by CZL Company (“the Company”), including but not limited to software, forums, applications, systems, hardware devices, international logistics, and transportation services.
1.2 By using the Services, you agree to comply with these Terms, as well as all related policies and rules.
2. Key Terms
These Terms include important provisions regarding your rights and obligations, including but not limited to disclaimers, liability limitations, indemnification obligations, and dispute resolution methods. Please read them carefully.
3. Permission to Use
The Company grants you a limited, non-exclusive, non-transferable license to access and use the Services in accordance with these Terms.
4. Conditions of Use
4.1 Users must be at least 18 years old to use the Services. If you are a minor, your use of the Services must be supervised and approved by a legal guardian.
4.2 If the Company notifies you that your access has been terminated, you will lose the right to continue using the Services.
4.3 You must comply with all applicable laws, regulations, and the Company’s policies and rules.
5. User Conduct
5.1 You may not post, share, or distribute any content through the Services that is illegal, harmful, threatening, abusive, harassing, defamatory, fraudulent, obscene, or otherwise inappropriate.
5.2 You may not use the Services for commercial purposes without authorization.
5.3 You may not upload or post content that infringes the intellectual property rights or other legal rights of third parties.
5.4 You are prohibited from using automated methods (e.g., crawlers, bots) to access, monitor, or interfere with the Services.
5.5 You may not impersonate any individual or organization or falsely imply association with the Company.
5.6 You may not bypass, disable, or interfere with the security features of the Services or cause an excessive burden on the infrastructure.
6. Content Standards
6.1 You may not submit content that is illegal, infringing, offensive, or harmful.
6.2 You may not submit content containing malicious code, viruses, or other harmful software.
6.3 You may not disclose unauthorized confidential information or personal data of others.
6.4 The Company reserves the right to remove or amend content that violates the content standards.
7. Enforcement
The Company reserves the right to investigate violations of these Terms and may take measures including but not limited to suspending services, deleting content, or terminating accounts.
8. User Accounts
8.1 Certain features of the Services may require you to create an account.
8.2 You are responsible for maintaining the security and confidentiality of your account.
8.3 You are fully responsible for all activities conducted through your account.
8.4 The Company reserves the right to restrict, suspend, or terminate accounts found to be in violation of these Terms.
9. Intellectual Property and Content Ownership
9.1 You retain ownership of the content you submit through the Services.
9.2 You grant the Company a worldwide, non-exclusive license to use, copy, distribute, modify, and display the content you submit in order to provide the Services.
9.3 Once you delete your submitted content, the license will terminate; however, any results derived from the use of the content prior to deletion will remain valid.
10. User Responsibilities
You agree to indemnify the Company for any losses, claims, or costs arising from your violation of these Terms or applicable laws.
11. Disclaimer
The Services are provided “as-is” without any express or implied warranties, including but not limited to warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, and non-infringement.
12. Limitation of Liability
To the extent permitted by applicable law, the Company’s total liability to you for any claims arising from your use of the Services will not exceed $50 USD or the equivalent amount.
13. Service Termination
13.1 Either the Company or the user may terminate these Terms at any time.
13.2 Upon termination, you will lose all rights to access and use the Services.
13.3 Certain provisions of these Terms will remain in effect even after termination.
14. Dispute Resolution
14.1 Any disputes should first be resolved through amicable negotiation.
14.2 Disputes that cannot be resolved through negotiation will be submitted to binding arbitration in the location designated by the Company.
14.3 You agree to waive your right to participate in any class-action lawsuits or collective arbitrations.
15. Priority of Terms
If there is any conflict between these Terms and the specific terms of other services provided by CZL Company, the specific terms will take precedence.
16. General Provisions
16.1 Severability: If any provision of these Terms is deemed invalid or unenforceable, the remaining provisions will continue to be valid.
16.2 Non-Transferability: You may not transfer your rights or obligations under these Terms without prior written consent from the Company.
16.3 Entire Agreement: These Terms constitute the entire agreement between you and the Company regarding the Services and replace any prior agreements.
17. Contact Information
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us through:
- Email: [email protected]
18. Amendments
The Company may modify these Terms at any time. The revised Terms will take effect immediately upon publication. By continuing to use the Services, you agree to accept the revised Terms. We will post the updated version on our website and revise the “Last Updated” date.
Thank you for choosing CZL Company’s services!